just came from back from raya@kemalak...had a joyful one with mum, mem, siblings, cousins n all. ramai gak yang dah lama tak jumpa... raya this year, those married pergi rumah in-laws dulu thats why ramai takde on the first day... they came trickling back from second raya... the food was...well as always...yummy!!!!...slurp...slurp...yum...yum... some 'boat-shaped ketupat-liked' kelonsong made from daun pisang were prepared for the 1st time for the lontong and it was nice n the aroma...but hopefully it won't replace the ketupats forever...pucuk kelapa makin susah nak dapat n the quality was degrading over the years...pollution?... the demand for santan during raya season was also of great concern... buyers had to que for hours just to get santan pekat... in the old days, everybody knows how to kopek, parut and perah but nowadays....sigh... (termasuklah aku yang dah jadi pemalas hahaha) forgot to bring camera to record the 'event'...perhaps the sellers could 'refridgerate' the santans earlier? btw kuini sedang berbuah tanpa henti so... on the 2nd nite after maghrib, the bulan n one star were positioned quite close n was hoping it wud be as rapat as possible but it didnt materialised (but my brother said not to worry, photoshop ada hahaha