the pecking order: the whole bunch...the cucus (team C)...mama's group...mangga group...tano"s...bachelor boys...dak one's....uncle bapak's....sulung's....adam (the new kid on the go-block)...ketupat....pak busu...ketupat...iman n pak busu (belakang capik)....mama, mira, schol (2X)...baka of the wali (4X)....the cars...dodolism (4X)...empat penjuru...ketupat (2X)...nasa (2X)...semua buat2 buzy...

this raya, we got some ups n downs...the last time we all buat dodol was like almost 30 years ago...to the cousins yang tak sempat jumpa, kita 'jam' next raya lah hehe. the young ones had fun especially with the 'merdeka...tun' type of fireworks and the cool breeze throughout (hujan lebat almost every nite...) bakawali also were blooming throughout the nites....seram jugak bila dia mengambang coz the first time it bloomed n i took some pics and the next day i kena denggi so hehehehe (dah merepek lah ni...)