was involved with the recording of aswara's kem muzik n again d students n technical people were fantastic. few hiccups but we managed to finish the thing...
today went to bangunan sultan abdul samad for the ministries' monthly assembly n now with the 'new' minister. appreciate more of the architecture. met some old frens
(added a video at my matrix - lata kinjang posting) went to KPKKWA for the monthly assembly (first time pegi hehehe) n saw some nice architecture n met the minister (his last event before the PM announced the new cabinet)
did some switching for karangkraf's maskulin event recently held at aswara. got good help from the students n technical people...ooppsss belum edit lagi hehehe. btw met an old fren who was one of the sponsors for the event
went to futsal with the siblings last friday n found out why the malaysian team never made it big he he...posing aje lebih n lepas tu melantak at rasta...kopak aku..